Why I Like the Hospital : Reasons – ISC Rhapsody Solutions

 Why I like the Hospital : Reasons why does poet like Hospital 

Question :  There is nothing likeable about the hospital. Then why does the poet say that he likes the hospital. Discuss with close reference to the text.

Answer:  There is nothing likeable about the hospital as it is the place where you are horrified to see the scenes of human suffering and pain. It is the place where some people realise the deceptive nature of their relationship with others. Some are abandoned. They have no – one to console or comfort them, in the hospitals. But still the poet says that he likes the hospital. Here, Hoagland reveals that it is not the physical attributes of the hospital that he appreciates, but rather the raw and authentic emotions that are expressed within its walls.

    The poet says that it is “all right to be in a bad mood there”. It means that it is only hospital which provides a place where being in “bad mood” or sad is acceptable. He humourously says that he like hospital because we need not have to pretend to be in the right mood there when actually it is not.

   The poet further points out how the hospital environment permits the display of  “pathos” as he quotes – 

  “I like the hospital for the way it grants /

     permission for pathos”

   Only the hospital is the place which allows to show or display the deep emotional pain and sorrow without any shame. For instance, he notes the mother suffering from cancer, struggle hard to reveal it to her children, or a bald girl seems to be very depressed to see the shunt above her amputated breast.

    There is a sense of humanity and reality that the hospital allows the patients to accept the vulnerability of their lives.

    He likes the hospital as it is the place which provides space for self – reflection. He depicts people sitting on plastic chairs, developing complicated scoring system in their notebooks to keep track between their good and bad deeds, distinguishing between times they performed  foolish and times they acted virtuously.

   Even if they are not terminally ill, and are in the midst of disease, this introspection demonstrates a desire for self – improvement and self – awareness.

   Although in hospital the patients feel lonely and isolated. They keep waiting for long. As the poet quotes – 

  “I like the long prairie of the waiting /

   the forces intimacy of the self with the /


   Here the poet compares the patients’ long waiting with long continuous grass lands – “prairie”. They feel disconnected from their usual lives and relationships. But the poet still likes the hospital as the hospital removes distractions and forces the focus inside, this might lead to forced self – exploration, self – consolation and a deeper awareness of oneself.

     The poet depicts a man openly crying, not pretending to be strong and expressing his powerlessness and rage. He was  “sobbing without shame” and  “pumping it all out from the bottom of the self”. He is only expressing his emotions and giving vent to his inner most feeling – his despair and anger. If we see him closely we find him holding his own hand listening to himself, and speaking the truth. His act of self consolation and self comfort suggests that there’s strength in acknowledging and tending to one’s emotional pain.

     Thus  “Why I Like the Hospital” praises the hospital as a place where different feeling can be shown. It accepts the sadness that comes from difficult situation and shows self – reflection and kindness in a hospital setting. This is why the poet says he likes the hospital. 

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