Why I like Hospital : Significance of the Title 

Significance of the Title:

  The title of Tony Hoagland’s poem “Why I Like Hospital” appears quite paradoxical and contradictory at first sight. Obviously hospital is not a likeable place it, it is  generally associated with the illness, sufferings and even death. But the poet arouse the readers’ interest and curiosity in the poem by using such an ingenious title.

    The title “Why I Like Hospital” makes the reader to think, what are such points on the basis of which the poet likes the hospital and to explore the poet’s view about hospital.

    The poem opens up with the line – 

  “Because it is all right to be in a bad mood”.

 The line reflects the poet’s view why he likes the hospital. Tony Hoagland is known for the use humour and satire in his poetry. Here, he satrises contemporary human life and modern society which don’t allow a person to be in a “bad mood”or sad even if he is very sad. The title suggests that the hospital is the only place where it is acceptable and even expected to experience negative emotions.

   The poet feels that stifled emotions are bad for one’s physical and mental health. It is strange, he notices, that only hospitals grant permission for  ” pathos” and for this reason he likes hospitals. 

   The title also suggests that the hospital environment recognises and accepts the vulnerability of its patients. One doesn’t have to pretend to be strong and brave while in the hospital. The title acknowledges that it is alright to openly express one’s emotions and sadness.

   The use of certain phrases like “bad mood” and “alright” in the poem creates a contrast and paradoxical statement. It reflects the complex and contradictory nature of human emotions and experiences  within the hospital. A person is weeping with sadness and at the same time is consoling himself and talking to himself presents the coexistence of difficult emotions alongside a sense of acceptance and understanding within the hospital environment.

   Overall the title significantly presents the major themes of the poem – the acceptance of negative emotions, the recognition of vulnerability and the paradoxical nature of the hospital environment.

    So the title of the poem fits well with the themes and the tone of the poem.

Writing Style of the Poem: 

     The poet use vivid imagery to convey the heart touching pictures of the patients in the hospital as well as the cold, clinical, sterile and impersonal atmosphere of the hospital. Here are some of the imagery used in the poem:

 1.Descriptive Imagery:

   The poet uses vivid and evocative imagery to present a detailed picture of the hospital. For example:

  “Slouching along through the underground /


    Here the poet describes the walking of the patients and their attendants in an exhausted and lazy manner to the underground parking, describe the depression among the  hospital environment. 

   Next he uses – 

   “staring at the closed beige doors like a/

     prison wall”

   Here the use of beige doors which are closed, presents the picture of unremarkable hospital doors that resemble the prison wall indicate the confinement and restriction in the hospital. 

  The images of Various patients in grief and depression , pike those of the  “bald girl gazing downward at the shunt”,  the “crone in her pyjamas, walking with an IV pole”, a patient in a “lime – green” gown sobbing heartily, are very heart – touching.

  2. Metaphor and Similes:

   The poet uses metaphor and simile to present the complex emotions of the patients. 

   In the first stanza, “closed beige doors like a prison wall”, presents the confinement in the hospital environment.

   Further, in the poem the poet uses the metaphor of “long prairie” for the long “waiting” of the patients for their loved ones to visit and have some some words with them.

    Next he uses simile in the following line:

  “like a tree wondering what happened to the forest”.

   Here, the poet uses simile of tree standing alone in the middle of the field wondering about their place presents the emotional trauma of hospital patients, kept isolated from the society. 

   In Stanza 3, the image of the “fresh flowers tossed into the wastebasket” reveals the human callousness and apathy. 

  All these images enhance the depth of the poem.

  3. Repetition:  

   The poet uses repetition of certain phrases to emphasise the effect of the poem and its idea. For instance, the repetition of  “I like” and “I don’t like” creates a sense of contrast and highlights the speaker’s own perspective on the hospital environment.

  4. Enjambment and Line breaks:

   The poet uses enjambment, where lines are not end – stopped and flow into the next, creating a sense of continuity and fluidity. 

   Additionally, line breaks are strategically placed to emphasise certain words or ides, adding emphasis and shaping the rhythm of the poem.

 5. Conversational Tone:

   The poem has a conversational tone as if the speaker is directly sharing their thoughts and observation with reader. Example:

    “but if you looked, you could see ……”

  This tone enhance the accessibility of the poem and establishes a connection between the speaker and the audience.

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