“Why I Like the Hospital” by Tony Hoagland: ISC English Rhapsody Solutions

 “Why I Like The Hospital” by Tony Hoagland 

Line by line Explanation : 

Line 1- 4 :

Because ………..prison wall.

Explanation : 

    The opening line of the poem sets the appropriate mood. The poet explain why he likes the hospital. It is because in hospital it is acceptable to not to be cheerful as the whole atmosphere is generally gloomy. In present day society we are not allowed to express our feelings openly and we always wear fake smile and fake expression of everything is well. But hospital allows us to express our real emotions. Poet further says that one can move in a lazy way – bent head and shoulders through the underground garage. It is all right to share an elevator along with the other  “customer” silently or without talking to them.

   Here, the poet uses the word “customer” to the other patient s which throws light on the commercialism of present day hospitals.

   The person can also continue to look at the beige coloured doors of the hospital which symbolise the confinement and restriction of patients in hospitals.

  Line 5- 9 : 

I like ……….IV pole.

Explanation :

  In the second stanza the poet says that he appreciate how the hospital allows for deep and sorrowful emotions. He observes various individuals in distressing situations – a mother finds it difficult to decide how to inform her children about her disease, cancer.

    A girl, who has lost her hair, looks downward at the small tube to carry blood which is attached above her missing breast after her operation to save her from cancer. 

    She will survive but she has to adjust with her missing breast and lost hair. She is in a deep depression. An elderly woman (crone) wearing pyjamas walking with an intravenous pole to inject liquid medications, is also been observed by the poet.  These scenes create a depressing mood leading to sadness and empathy.

  Line 10 – 17 

   I don’t like ……………… Like a Saint.

Explanation :

   In the following lines the poet tells what he doesn’t like about the hospital. The poet says that he doesn’t like the smell of antiseptic which is a typical smell coming out of all hospitals, it adds to the realism of hospital. He also doesn’t like the constant air – conditioning  running at very high, making the temperature very low, it symbolise the carelessness and hard – heartedness of the hospital people. The poet further says that he also doesn’t like to see fresh flowers in the wastebaskets. Here, fresh flowers represent hope and beginning. Fresh flowers tossed into the garbage carelessly indicates the hope is being crushed by the entire ecosystem. This kind of antipathy repel him from hospital.

    But among all these things he likes the behaviour of some patients in the hospital. These patients, sitting on the plastic chairs take out their notebooks and create a score card of their good and bad deeds. Here plastic chairs symbolise the lack of strength of these patients and making score card symbolise to make an audit of their lives. 

    This work is so complex as it is very hard to tell how many more days anyone have on this earth. The contrasting columns represent their foolish and saintly deeds. These patients may have terminal diseases and, it is possible, only in a hospital, where they are counting their remaining days and are forced to reflect over their good and bad actions.

Line 18 – 21 :

I like the ………………..the forest.

Explanation :

  In the following lines the poet tries to convey the loneliness and isolation of the patients. The poet presents the plight of the lonely, alienated sick persons in an indirect way through concrete images. The poet says that the lonely patients in the hospital are waiting for their near and dear ones to come to meet them. Their wait is long and continuous like prairies ( long grasslands). Each sick person is like a tree standing alone in the middle of a vast field, wondering what has happened to the forest. They are alienated and ignored by their families.

    Meanwhile the poet says that he like how the constant waiting of these patients forces them into self intimacy. He sees these moments as an opportunity for individuals to engage in deep introspection and self reflection.

Line 22 – 29 :

   And once ………………….to be saved.

  Explanation :

   In this stanza, the poet recalls   seeing a patient in a yellow – green gown, bent over in a chair. He was not shouting in anger or despair, at the doctors. Unlike others he was not pretending to be strong or put up a disguise of strength. He was not making a phone call to his wife in a slow, indistinct manner. But what he actually doing was that he was openly sobbing without shame. He releases his helplessness and rage accepting that he may not be saved any more. He was sobbing to give vent to his inner most feeling – despair and anger, as the hospital is the only place where one can express one’s mind so openly.

  Line 30 – 33 :

   but if you ………………..everything.

  Explanation :

   The poet addresses the reader directly using the word  ‘you’ to convey the actual condition of the terminally ill patient. The poet says that if we see him closely he was consoling himself, listening every word uttered and was actually telling himself everything. 

    There was no one else to hold his hands and sympathise with him. He has no body to listen to him and no one to console him by holding his hand fondly.

    The poet highlights the stark reality  of the modern day society that we are left alone in our direct need.

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