The Tempest:Use of Dramatic Irony


The Tempest :  Use of Dramatic Irony 

  Question  :What is dramatic irony ? Give examples of     dramatic irony in  “The Tempest”.

   Answer:   Dramatic Irony:

          Dramatic irony is a drama technique in which the audience knows something that the character does not.  Because of this understanding, the words and actions of the characters  takes on a different meaning. Shakespeare has effectively used this technique in  “The Tempest ” to fill the mind of the the audience with grim horror and awe.

        Dramatic Irony in The Tempest: 

       “The Tempest” provides a few instances of dramatic irony which enter deep  into the  conception of the play.

       In  “The Tempest”  we can easily detect the instances of  dramatic irony. For instance, we are made aware of the fact that  the sea storm is raised by Ariel on Prospero’s command, this remains unknown to Alonso and his party towards the end.

        Then Shakespeare makes use of dramatic irony when Prospero overhears the conversation  between Miranda and Ferdinand who are unaware of his presence. Prospero’s  intentions are known to us, but Miranda and  Ferdinand  feel greatly friend pained and upset at his hostile and unsympathetic towards Ferdinand.

      Ariel‘s interference in the plots against Alonso, hatched by Antonio and Sebastian and even the plot against Prospero, hatched by Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano is another instance of the use of dramatic irony. The villains do not know how Ariel works to thwart their wicked plans while the audience is aware of Ariel’s action all through.



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