ISC Reverie Question and Answer – The Gift of India – Theme

Question: what is the theme of the poem “the Gift of India”?

  Ans: Sarojini Naidu was not only a poet but also a freedom fighter of India, her poetry is known for bringing out the depth of her patriotism for her country, India.

    The poem is believed to have been written to attract the attention of the world towards the brave soldiers of India, who sacrificed their lives in different wars fought by the British during The First World War.

The brave Indian soldiers displayed their strength and courage on battle front and died unknown and unlamented and were” gathered like pearls in their alien graves”.

   The poem evokes a sense of pride as well as grief at the loss of a number of Indian soldiers who laid down their lives in the war. In this poem Sarojini Naidu personified  Mother India,whose heart bleeds for her sons who have been torn away from her bosom ruthlessly and deployed in foreign land to serve British interests.

   Sarojini Naidu has portrayed a heart rending picture of the dead soldiers in battlefield. Their motionless and disheveled bodies on the blood stained battlefield have been compared with the withered beauty of flowers scattered in a sun parched meadow. She believed that the prayer was the only source of hope and solace for the anguished hearts that were filled with sorrow at the loss of Indian soldiers in the War.

The only tribute that could be paid to those dead soldiers is not to forget the sacrifice they made for the cause of freedom.

Thus the poem “The Gift of India” is emotionally filled with the sentiments of the poet towards the martyrs and the valiant sacrifices made by the sons of India.

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